Aug/Sept 2001 Govt ignores warnings from many countries’ intelligence agencies (
9-11 Itself
None of the hijackers appear on any of the published manifests of the four flights. No pseudonyms are mentioned, no explanation given.
All of the hijacked planes fly around the sky diverting wildly from their intended targets. They don’t just fly directly to their targets. No explanation given.
Only two planes are scrambled, eventually (It seems). Yet reporting on this has been muddled, unclear, with reports and timelines varying. The timelines out in the early weeks after 9-11 indicate that the two planes from Otis airbase had plenty of time to reach NY before the 2nd hit. Some reports say they flew at top speed and couldn’t get there in time. Other reports said that they were sent in the wrong direction. Most reports are vague and muddled and avoid addressing the timeline question at all. Why is this not clearly laid out?
Strange behavior of Rumsfeld. Reported to have been in his office completely unaware of the unfolding events until long into the drama. Seems to me a good reason to fire the Secretary of Defense.
Strange behavior from Bush. Conflicting accounts (again), but seems that he had news of the first impact on his way to the like with the kids Andrew Card whispers in his ear, reportedly telling him of the second impact and that ‘
Two. If the country is under attack, why didn’t the secret service whisk him away?
Three. Later Bush talks about watching the first plane hit and thinking ‘what a bad pilot.’ Gasp.
3a. There was no early footage of the first plane (Unless Bush saw something in his car on the way to the school. If that’s the case it shows a govt right on top of things and then the delayed responses make no sense.).
3b. Maybe he is confusing the second impact with the first. But he didn’t see the second impact until after Andrew Card told him
3c. An airliner filled with your countrymen slams into one of the great symbols of your county, also filled with your countrymen, at obviously great loss of life, and he thinks ‘What a bad pilot’?! Another good reason to fire him, and never let him play with your children.
· Steel-frame buildings have never before collapsed from fire anywhere in the world. Even after huge, hot, long-lasting fires which completely gutted the structure.
· The fires were less hot and long-lasting than many, many other fires in steel-frame buildings, none of which collapsed.
· The firefighters’ tapes show that none of them were questioning the integrity of the building. Some of the tapes indicate a situation on its way to coming under control.
· In one photo a person can be seen standing in the hole made by the airplane – indicating that at the impact site, the fire had died down.
· The buildings were billowing dark smoke – indications of a cool fire.
· All three buildings pancake perfectly into their own footprints.
· All three buildings fall at nearly freefall speed. This is impossible if a sequential failure and pancaking of floors is to blame for their collapse, because the lower floors would be caused to fail due to the impact of the falling upper floors. This impact decreases the momentum of the falling floors, slowing the descent.
· The pancaking floor theory says the metal fixing the floors to the concrete columns and external steel ribs weakened due to heat. The floors thus slipped. So, what caused the external steel ribs and concrete columns (47 of them) in the center of the building to fail? The concrete columns should have remained. But they turned to dust somehow.
· The pancaking theory says that the floors had to fail more or less evenly around the external and internal circumferences where they were supported. With the asymmetrical fires this seems highly unlikely. Also, video shot during the fires shows no floor sagging, and no buckling of the steel ribbing. All the video evidence shows the buildings holding up perfectly, as designed, until the sudden collapses.
· Some have claimed that the impacts critically damaged the entire structures. However, engineering analysis of the wobbling antenna at the top of the building indicates that the structure supporting it was uncompromised. Basically, the way the antenna wobbled showed that the structure was firm.
· There were many first-hand reports of blasts in the basements of the buildings. Debris from below-ground blasts gutted the lobby of one of the towers. There were many reports of blasts from firefighters and witnesses. These were reported live on all the networks, then slowly this information seemed to drop away from the collective memory.
· The collapses look exactly like controlled demolitions.
· The metal columns were nearly all broken into 30 foot pieces.
· The concrete columns were gone. Pulverized.
· (Miraculously one of the hijacker’s passports survives the blaze. (Ahem) So, if he was traveling under his real name, why wasn’t he on the manifest?)
· The top of one of the towers initially topples to the side, but instead of falling like a decapitated monolith, this top section too is pulverized to dust.
· A BYU physics professor claims to have found thermate (a chemical used to slice through steel) in samples of trade center metal.
· Seismographic data show large events prior to the collapses.
· Seismographic data show large events prior to the collapses.· Seismographic data show large events prior to the collapses.
· Molten pools of metal remained deep beneath the rubble of all three buildings for weeks after the event. What’s up with that? There was a whole bunch of gold in the basement. A whole bunch of gold. Where is it?
· Contrary to law, the evidence from the crime scene, the debris, was quickly and extremely efficiently removed (and shipped to china) without careful analysis. This was done over the protests of fire engineers who were only allowed a cursory, photo-op walk through of the debris. What was the hurry?
· WT7, a 42 storey steel-framed building, collapsed into its footprint, after a medium-sized fire on several floors of one side. It was not hit by any plane. Buildings between it and the towers remained standing. At the time of collapse, there was not even much smoke. Silverstein later recalled how he gave the order ‘to pull’ the building. So they evacuated all the people and firefighters, set up a safety perimeter, and then watched it spontaneously, collapse, right on time, into its own footprint. Miracles on top of miracles. WT7 housed the CIA emergency response headquarters. Molten steel was also found beneath the rubble days after the event.
Umm. How do you decide to let a building collapse? How do you know, that from this smallish fire, the third steel-framed building in history is about to spontaneously collapse into its own footprint? Notice, he didn’t say ‘We thought it was unsafe and might collapse so we evacuated everyone.’ No. He said that he decided ‘to pull it.’ And then it fell down.
A demolition takes weeks to set up. And for the first time in history, a steel-framed building fell on cue. Amazing.
Several security cameras were in place to film the impact. Video from many cameras was confiscated. No clear video has been produced. Why not?
The entire body of the airplane, wings, and massive tough engines, all vanished into a single hole in the stone building. The engines, massive heavy things, are too far out on the wings to fit in the hole. Where did they go?
Then suddenly, after such shocking ineptitude. The hijackers are all identified, tied to Osama, and the PNAC plan swings into high gear.
What about comments from the govt that ‘no one anticipated using planes as missiles’? It’s clearly a lie. The French govt had recently foiled an attack on the
What about the fact that the
And, oh by the way, who’s the governor of
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