Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thai style

(I wrote this a few years ago as a way to introduce American host families to two high school Thai exchange students. My students. I know the kids and the families well. - Years ago, when I first came to Thailand, I said, Thailand has a lot to teach the world. I still stand behind those words. So here are some of those ideas, which I wrote to help my Thai students have a smooth reception in the land of America.)

Thais are cool, and think that life should be enjoyed. Enjoyed properly – in a sweet, smooth, innocent and fresh way.

Thais intuit very well what is right and wrong
and they care about that.

They care about right and wrong.

They care about their own actions being right or wrong.

Love and commitment to their parents is absolute.

The Thai family is a rock.
A beautiful rock.

Respect for elders and teachers is automatic – and for the most part genuine.

Elder and parental advise is truly taken to heart. (Advise carefully. Talk from the heart, a Thai kid will hear.)

Thais understand goodness quite well (check me on this, please) and aggression, for them, is almost always negative - even when they show aggression themselves.

Seriousness is considered negative, as it lacks softness and joy.

Thais aren’t interested in changing another’s idea.
Other’s ideas and actions are the responsibility of the others.
Other ideas aren’t a threat.

Thais like to share the moments of life with other people. Being alone is usually a bummer. Open kindness is easy for Thais, as is forgiveness and laughter.

They are very comfortable in the now-moment. And uncomfortable out of it.

Jokes are expected. Fun is always welcome, and considered valuable and important.

Thais want to be awake with loved ones and friends, properly enjoying the now-moment, laughing and smiling, even through the difficult times. That’s the good life.

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