Friday, March 30, 2007

pushing money

On Bill Maher the other day, David Frum said something to the effect of “they hate us when we intervene, they hate us when we don’t intervene. They hate us when we support the dictator, they hate us when we oppose the dictator.” He sort of threw up his hands, as if those people won’t like us no matter what we do.

Is Mr Frum saying, his 'think tank' has found an entire population, grandmas to nephews, that won’t be reasonable? An entire population of perpetually unreasonable people?

Good research guys.

I’ve got a much, much, simpler idea:

US foreign policy is relentlessly, financially self-serving to big money interests, even when exceedingly cruel to the local people.


So instead of finding a perpetually unreasonable society, we’ve found a foreign policy with a perpetual goal: push money, by war, by words, by forked tongue policy, into the pockets of the few. Push money to the top.

Am I moving too fast for you Mr Frum?

Money to the top. Never mind the blood. It's not theirs.

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